PSM Tutorial #2-5 : Wrapping it Up

2013-02-26 1:34 AM

In the we discussed vertex buffers. The last major concept we will go over in this series.

At this point we’ve gone over all the major topics regarding sprite rendering in modern OpenGL. The lessons you’ve learned so far will apply far beyond sprite rendering. Vertex buffers and shaders are the heart of modern rendering techniques.

This final tutorial in the series will be going over the commands in the main render loop. You already know all the important concepts. We are merelyactivatingthem at this point. Nevertheless this is meant to be a thorough study of the theoretical portions of OpenGL and PSM/Vita rendering so let’s go

Now we will look at the render loop. As always I will start by including the full code sample.

public class AppMain
static protected GraphicsContext graphics;
static ShaderProgram shaderProgram;
static Texture2D texture;

static float[] vertices=new float[12];

static float[] texcoords = {
0.0f, 0.0f,// 0 top left.
0.0f, 1.0f,// 1 bottom left.
1.0f, 0.0f,// 2 top right.
1.0f, 1.0f,// 3 bottom right.

static float[] colors = {
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 0 top left.
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 1 bottom left.
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 2 top right.
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 3 bottom right.

const int indexSize = 4;
static ushort[] indices;

static VertexBuffer vertexBuffer;

// Width of texture.
static float Width;

// Height of texture.
static float Height;

static Matrix4 unitScreenMatrix;

public static void Main (string[] args)
Initialize ();

while (true) {
SystemEvents.CheckEvents ();
Update ();
Render ();

public static void Initialize ()
graphics = new GraphicsContext();
ImageRect rectScreen = graphics.Screen.Rectangle;

texture = new Texture2D("/Application/resources/Player.png", false);
shaderProgram = new ShaderProgram("/Application/shaders/Sprite.cgx");
shaderProgram.SetUniformBinding(0, "u_WorldMatrix");

Width = texture.Width;
Height = texture.Height;

vertices[0]=0.0f;// x0
vertices[1]=0.0f;// y0
vertices[2]=0.0f;// z0

vertices[3]=0.0f;// x1
vertices[4]=1.0f;// y1
vertices[5]=0.0f;// z1

vertices[6]=1.0f;// x2
vertices[7]=0.0f;// y2
vertices[8]=0.0f;// z2

vertices[9]=1.0f;// x3
vertices[10]=1.0f;// y3
vertices[11]=0.0f;// z3

indices = new ushort[indexSize];
indices[0] = 0;
indices[1] = 1;
indices[2] = 2;
indices[3] = 3;

//vertex pos,               texture,       color
vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(4, indexSize, VertexFormat.Float3, VertexFormat.Float2, VertexFormat.Float4);

vertexBuffer.SetVertices(0, vertices);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(1, texcoords);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(2, colors);

graphics.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);

unitScreenMatrix = new Matrix4(
 Width*2.0f/rectScreen.Width,0.0f,    0.0f, 0.0f,
 0.0f,   Height*(-2.0f)/rectScreen.Height,0.0f, 0.0f,
 0.0f,   0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
 -1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f


public static void Update ()


public static void Render ()

graphics.SetTexture(0, texture);
shaderProgram.SetUniformValue(0, ref unitScreenMatrix);

graphics.DrawArrays(DrawMode.TriangleStrip, 0, indexSize);


public static void Render ()

graphics.SetTexture(0, texture);
shaderProgram.SetUniformValue(0, ref unitScreenMatrix);

graphics.DrawArrays(DrawMode.TriangleStrip, 0, indexSize);


First we clear the screen so that we have a blank canvas to draw on. In many cases you will be doing this at the start of every render loop. Next we set our shader program. If you need a refresher on how shaders work you can go back to the on this series which explains shaders.

Next we set the active texture. A general rule you can go by is that you can only have one active texture at a time in OpenGL (in reality you can have a few more with more advanced use of shaders but we will leave that for a later tutorial series). So when drawing what you need to do is set the active texture then draw your geometry that uses that texture. You may notice that this implies that you will need a different set of vertex buffers for each texture you use. This is true. Also sending many vertex buffers via DrawArrays to the GPU is a performance intensive process. As a result you need to keep this in mind. Many people will put all their art into one very large image (sometimes referred to as a texture atlas) in order to reduce DrawArrays calls. There are other methods you can also use to reduce draw calls. We will investigate this in a later tutorial series.

Next we set the uniform data in the shader program. If you recall from the in the series, uniform data is extra data you send to a shader for various purposes such as passing the camera transformation matrix.

Next we call DrawArrays. This takes the currently bound vertex buffer, shader and texture and does the final act of actually processing and drawing everything. This is essentially the final call that brings everything together.

You may notice if you omit the last call SwapBuffers you will not see anything on the screen. This is because when we draw we are drawing to the back buffer. In the case of PSM we use double buffering.

Think of this of this as 2 pieces of paper. We have one that is showing on the screen and another that you can’t see which we are actually drawing on. Every time we call SwapBuffers we swap the 2 pieces of paper so the one on the screen goes out of sight and the one that we’ve been drawing on in the background comes into view. The reason for this is to prevent something called screen tearing. This is the case where we might be drawing to a surface and only half finish by the time the next frame is scheduled to draw. What happens is we have a tearing effect on the final rendered image. By swapping the 2 surfaces we can ensure that this does not happen because because the images are never swapped until the back buffer is finished drawing.

You can see an example of screen tear

So that’s it for this tutorial series. I hope you found it useful for your studies. If there is anything that’s not clear or if you found anything that might be considered inaccurate please let me know in the comments or by email and I’ll do my best to rectify the situation.

I’m currently considering what to do for the next Vita tutorial series. Most likely it will be something more fun such as a simple game. I’ve also been working on a 2D engine for the last few months for PSM. I may consider doing a tutorial on making a game with the engine. If there’s a topic related to OpenGL or Vita/PSM you are interested in learning leave a comment or send a message and let me know.

Thanks for reading!

Tags: psm_tutorial_series_2

NekoRush Update – New Screens

2013-02-24 8:55 AM

Got some more work done on NekoRush this weekend. There’s been a lot of engine work and art practice over the last couple weeks. Anyways got new cats in the game, new background art and finished a lot of gameplay code.

I now have to decide whether to go with my original 10 level plan or switch to a procedurally generated endless format.



Tags: NekoRush PSM PSM Vita Vita

PSM Tutorial #2-4 : Vertex Buffers

2013-02-13 4:15 AM

In the we went over the concepts of texture coordinates. Now we only have one major topic to go over before wrapping everything up. Vertex Buffers.

Now we will look at the next set of declarations in the code. As always I will start by including the full code sample.

public class AppMain
static protected GraphicsContext graphics;
static ShaderProgram shaderProgram;
static Texture2D texture;

static float[] vertices=new float[12];

static float[] texcoords = {
0.0f, 0.0f,// 0 top left.
0.0f, 1.0f,// 1 bottom left.
1.0f, 0.0f,// 2 top right.
1.0f, 1.0f,// 3 bottom right.

static float[] colors = {
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 0 top left.
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 1 bottom left.
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 2 top right.
1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,// 3 bottom right.

const int indexSize = 4;
static ushort[] indices;

static VertexBuffer vertexBuffer;

// Width of texture.
static float Width;

// Height of texture.
static float Height;

static Matrix4 unitScreenMatrix;

public static void Main (string[] args)
Initialize ();

while (true) {
SystemEvents.CheckEvents ();
Update ();
Render ();

public static void Initialize ()
graphics = new GraphicsContext();
ImageRect rectScreen = graphics.Screen.Rectangle;

texture = new Texture2D("/Application/resources/Player.png", false);
shaderProgram = new ShaderProgram("/Application/shaders/Sprite.cgx");
shaderProgram.SetUniformBinding(0, "u_WorldMatrix");

Width = texture.Width;
Height = texture.Height;

vertices[0]=0.0f;// x0
vertices[1]=0.0f;// y0
vertices[2]=0.0f;// z0

vertices[3]=0.0f;// x1
vertices[4]=1.0f;// y1
vertices[5]=0.0f;// z1

vertices[6]=1.0f;// x2
vertices[7]=0.0f;// y2
vertices[8]=0.0f;// z2

vertices[9]=1.0f;// x3
vertices[10]=1.0f;// y3
vertices[11]=0.0f;// z3

indices = new ushort[indexSize];
indices[0] = 0;
indices[1] = 1;
indices[2] = 2;
indices[3] = 3;

//vertex pos,               texture,       color
vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(4, indexSize, VertexFormat.Float3, VertexFormat.Float2, VertexFormat.Float4);

vertexBuffer.SetVertices(0, vertices);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(1, texcoords);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(2, colors);

graphics.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);

unitScreenMatrix = new Matrix4(
 Width*2.0f/rectScreen.Width,0.0f,    0.0f, 0.0f,
 0.0f,   Height*(-2.0f)/rectScreen.Height,0.0f, 0.0f,
 0.0f,   0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
 -1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f


public static void Update ()


public static void Render ()

graphics.SetTexture(0, texture);
shaderProgram.SetUniformValue(0, ref unitScreenMatrix);

graphics.DrawArrays(DrawMode.TriangleStrip, 0, indexSize);


Now as we browse past the declarations covered in the previous tutorials we arrive at the vertex buffer declaration:

static VertexBuffer vertexBuffer;

In OpenGL there are numerous ways to send data to the GPU to be drawn on the screen. The modern way of doing this is via vertex buffers.

A vertex buffer is a contiguous stream of data that you send to the GPU from your program. The data structure used for storing this data is an array. In plain OpenGL you setup an array of data then call a function that tells OpenGL which array to stream into memory along with some other information such as the size of the array and type of data it represents.

In PSM it’s essentially the same but Sony provides a VertexBuffer object that encapsulates a lot of the common functionality you tend to use with a vertex buffer. We can define a vertex buffer that associates vertex, UV, and color data with the same object. You can also associate other types of data if you wish to do so. Sony also specifically takes in the index buffer size in the VertexBuffer constructor.

So lets take a look at the code where we setup out vertex buffers.

//vertex pos,               texture,       color
vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(4, indexSize, VertexFormat.Float3, VertexFormat.Float2, VertexFormat.Float4);

vertexBuffer.SetVertices(0, vertices);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(1, texcoords);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(2, colors);

graphics.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);

First we create out VertexBuffer object. In the constructor we first pass the number of vertices we will be sending to the GPU. We then pass the number of indices we will be passing. After the first 2 arguments we have a variable length of arguments we can pass to the constructor.

Variable length arguments are very similar to C’s varargs functionality. For more information about c#’s feature for non variable length arguments see this page.

Each of the arguments for the variable portion of the parameters defines a vertex buffer. The buffer is declared by an enum that describes the format of data that will be passed in through that buffer.

//vertex pos,               texture,       color
vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(4, indexSize, VertexFormat.Float3, VertexFormat.Float2, VertexFormat.Float4);

So here we say we want to pass in 4 vertices, 4 indices (the value of indexSize at the time), a set of 3 floats per vertex, a set of 2 floats per vertex and a set of 4 floats per vertex. The reason for these sizes will be more apparent if you look the following code:

vertexBuffer.SetVertices(0, vertices);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(1, texcoords);
vertexBuffer.SetVertices(2, colors);

graphics.SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffer);

As you can see we use the SetVertieces method to assign which array represents which piece of data. The first coordinate is the index of the array we are passing into the VertexBuffer object. This corresponds to the order that we entered the variable length parameters in the VertexBuffer constructor. In index 0 we pass in the vertices which need 3 floats per vertex to describe. In index 1 we pass the texture coordinates which take 2 floats per vertex to describe and finally in index 2 we pass the colors which take 4 floats per vertex to describe.

Then we send our index array to the VertexBuffer via the SetIndicies method.

Finally we send the entire vertex buffer to the graphics context.

Since we covered most of the more difficult to grasp concepts in previous tutorials this one ended up being fairly short. In the next tutorial we will go over the render method and wrap up this tutorial series!

After that we can get into more interesting things like making a game

Tags: psm_tutorial_series_2